Looking for more about the 1964 summer Paralympics?
You can find all the photos from the 1964 Games that are owned by or donated to the Australian Paralympic Committee here. These images are licensed under Creative Commons and are free to use, if you acknowledge the source and ownership of the images.
The National Library has recorded oral history interviews with a number of participants in the 1964 Games: Daphne Ceeney/Hilton first interview, Daphne Ceeney/Hilton second interview, Frank Ponta, Gary Hooper, Bill Mather-Brown, John Martin, Elizabeth Edmondson.
Read the book written by Bill Mather-Brown (“The Fight in the Dog“). Mather-Brown’s book is also available as an audio book.
Go to the Wikipedia article Australia at the 1964 summer Paralympics which has been created by contributors to the Australian Paralympic History Project and follow the links to the articles about Australia’s athletes and their sports.
Use the ‘contact us‘ button on this website to contact Paralympics Australia if you have any further questions or would like to contribute to this project.
Looking for more about the 1964 summer Paralympics? Here are some links you can visit and ideas to find out more.
Date: November 1964
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