George Bedbrook, father of the Paralympic movement in Australia

George Bedbrook, father of the Paralympic movement in Australia

‘Johnno’ Johnston was a key figure in the development of Paralympic sport

‘Johnno’ Johnston was a key figure in the development of Paralympic sport

Beds at Shenton Park for exercising as well as sleeping

Beds at Shenton Park for exercising as well as sleeping
A telegram from the 1964 Australian Paralympic Team head of delegation, George Bedbrook, to the family os swimmer Elizabeth Edmondson, informing them of her success at the Games and plans for the return trip to Australia. Edmondson and Bedbrook were both from Western Australia. At 14, Edmondson was the youngest Australian Paralympic gold medallist until 2012. Telegram provided by Elizabeth Edmondson from her personal scrapbook.

A telegram from Dr Bedbrook

A telegram from Dr Bedbrook

The ‘father’ of Paralympic sport in Australia

The ‘father’ of Paralympic sport in Australia