Australia’s Paralympians have created this history but many other people have helped to record and tell it.
Paralympic Stories acknowledges grant funding from the Australian Research Council Linkage Scheme (LP130101031, 2014-2019). The grant supported a partnership project between the School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences (Professor Murray Phillips and Associate Professor Gary Osmond) at the University of Queensland and Paralympics Australia (Tony Naar).
Literally hundreds of people have worked on this project, almost all as volunteers. It is not possible to name them all but some of those who have contributed most to getting it to this stage are:
Paralympics Australia past and current staff, directors and interns, including Lynne Anderson, Hannah Chadwick, Kieran Courtney, Robert Coy, Keren Faulkner, Shellee Ferguson, Brendan Flynn, Shaun Giles, Greg Hartung, Michael Hartung, Jason Hellwig, Vivienne Ji, Marianna Konidaris, Moritz Kramer, Ian Laing, Cathy Lambert, Tim Mannion, Tim Matthews, Margaret McLennan, Kate McLoughlin, Gen McMahon, Tony Naar, Paul Oliver, Kara Retford, Lauren Robertson, Sascha Ryner, Silvia Scognamiglio, Glenn Tasker, James Thomson, Ben Troy, Rebekka Wake, Caroline Walker and Natasha Welsh.
Kexun Kenneth Chen, Erin Christensen, Eliza Fairlie, Ciara Mahady, Murray Phillips, Gary Osmond, Stephen Townsend and Nick Wiggins from the University of Queensland, which has been the Paralympics Australia’s lead partner in the project.
Leigh Blackall, Greg Blood, Vicki Epstein, Laura Hale, Tara MacPhail, Ross Mallett, Patricia Ollerenshaw, Graham Pearce, John Vandenberg, Liz Watt from the HOPAU Wikipedia and e-history group, the ongoing group that has contributed more than anyone else.
Sean Chen, Lewis Cressy, Claire Kerr, Christine May, Liz Murphy, Gavin Reynolds, Michael Roeger, Nick Siefkin and Nicole Vlahovich from the Clearinghouse for Sport.
The ever changing team from the Oral History and Folklore Section of the National library of Australia, including Kevin Bradley, Hannah Gason, Shelly Grant, Marian Hanley, Fiona Milway, Mark Piva, Louise Ray, Shirleene Robinson, Renee Shuttleworth and interviewers Mick Fogarty, Madonna Grehan, Nikki Henningham, Ian Jobling, Rob Linn, Robin Poke and Rob Willis and all those who agreed to be interviewed for the project.
Annie Breslin, Miguel Gonzalez, Meg Labrum and Gayle Lake from the National Film and Sound Archive.
Margaret Birtley, Jackie Fraser, Greg Hunter, Jed Smith, Helen Walpole and the team at the National Sports Museum.
Wikimedia Australia, including Toby Hudson, Pru Mitchell, Kerry Raymond and Steven Zhang.
Julia Hickie and Mark Raadgever from Trove, at the National Library of Australia
The Team at NOUS, who created this site and patiently handled all our requests and mind changes.
Don Worley, whose films, photos and advice have been priceless.
Norman Bailey, Heath Campanaro, Jeff Crow, Serena Ovens and others who took so many of the photos and made them available.
From the University of Canberra, Keith Lyons for helping set the direction of the project and making key connections and Lisa Scharoun and Marina Malak for the history posters.
Ian Brittain from the University of Coventry.
Simon Darcy from UTS.
Tom Worthington from the ANU who advised on the e-history.
Archives volunteers Jun Pei, Monika Vukotic, Miss Yawen, Quinnie Young,
Bethwyn Allen from Health WA.
Jude Emmer, formerly CEO of Mt Wilga Private Hospital.
Tanya Evans, Rachael Gunn and Sian Paine from Macquarie University who encouraged many interns over several years.
Arthur Wilks, who has researched the history of Para-Table Tennis.
Bill Bradley, who knows everyone in Lawn Bowls.
A large number of Paralympians and past Team staff who contributed as members of HOPAU, attended workshops, donated photos and physical items or have just been available to answer the endless questions, especially: Paul Bird, Anne Brunell (nee Currie), Jane Buckley, Brendan Burkett, Melissa Carlton, Kevin (and Linda) Coombs, Richard Cordukes, Nick Dean, Danni Di Toro, Mike Dow, Stephen Eaton, Elizabeth Edmondson, Ron Finneran, Amanda Fraser, Anne Green, Gary (and Jan) Hooper, Richard Jones, Terry Kenaghan, Libby and Stan Kosmala, Lyn Lillecrapp, John Martin, Roger Massie, Bill (and Nadine) Mather-Brown, Hannah Macdougall, Rod Nugent, Chris Nunn, Peter Pascoe, Siobhan Paton (and her mother Judith), Don Perriman, Julie and Eric Russell, Louise Sauvage, Jeff Simmonds, Robyn Smith, Tony South, Terry Vinyard, Katrina Webb, Carmel Williams, Amy Winters, Sandra Yaxley.
The families of Ross Sutton (especially Margaret and Ivy), Marie Little (Della and James Thorpe) and Daphne Hilton/Ceeney (Frank, Rachael, and Nikki), Kasey Manolini (friend of Frank Ponta) and Adrienne Keygan (friend of John Martin).
And the late Adrienne Smith, who started the project the first time, back in 1999. We hope she would be pleased with how it is turning out.
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